Welcome to Astro Site
Astro Starter Kit
10分で Astro サイトを GitHub Pages に構築するスターターキットを作ったよ
#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME"; exit 1 fi if !(type npm > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo "Please install \`node\` and \`npm\` command." exit 1 fi # 0. bash configure shopt -s dotglob BASE_URL="https://astro.debiru.net" DOMAIN_NAME="$1" function apply_patch() { curl -fsSL "${BASE_URL}/build/patch/$1" | git apply --allow-empty --quiet } function git_commit_if() { if [ "$(git status --short | wc -l)" = "1" ]; then git_commit_ifs "$1" "$2" fi } function git_commit_ifs() { if [ -n "$(git status --short | grep $1)" ]; then git add . git commit --quiet -m "$2" fi } # 1. Generate Astro Project [ ! -e "astro.config.mjs" ] && npm create astro@latest project -- --template minimal --no-install --no-git [ -d "project" ] && [ -n "$(ls -A project)" ] && mv project/* . && rm -r project git_commit_ifs ".vscode" "npm create astro@latest" # 2. Update .gitignore apply_patch "gitignore.patch" git_commit_if ".gitignore" "update .gitignore" # 3. Generate deploy.yml apply_patch "deploy.yml.patch" git_commit_if ".github" "add .github/workflows/deploy.yml" # 4. Remove src/* files [ -d "src" ] && rm -r src [ ! -e "src" ] && mkdir src git_commit_ifs "src/" "remove default src files" # 5. Update package.json apply_patch "package.json.patch" [ $(tail -n1 "package.json" | wc -l) = "0" ] && echo "" >> "package.json" git_commit_if "package.json" "update package.json" # 6. Prepare starter kit apply_patch "starter-kit.patch" perl -i -pe "s@site: '[^']+'@site: 'https://${DOMAIN_NAME}'@smg" astro.config.mjs git_commit_ifs "public/favicon.ico" "generate starter kit" # 7. Generate package-lock.json npm install -D glob js-beautify sass stylelint stylelint-config-standard git_commit_ifs "package-lock.json" "npm install"